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Demilade Elutilo is the Founder, President, and C.E.O of Pyramid Security Group. He is a 10-year industry veteran in the security officer and security management field. Demilade Elutilo has held positions at several security firms including Faith Security Services, Peak Security Plus, Kings Security Services, J&O Security Services, Brosnan Risk Consultants, and Allied Universal Security Services. He gained industry experience working as a security officer, security supervisor, fire safety officer, fire safety director, and head of security at construction sites, New York City homeless shelters, educational institutions, corporate buildings, and at a multinational hotel chain. Dissatisfied with the abysmal level of security services being provided by security firms in New York State, Demilade Elutilo decided to set up his own security firm to provide clients with a better option in their search for an efficient and professional security service provider. Demilade Elutilo is constantly introducing innovative and creative solutions to make Pyramid Security Group a world-class security firm. He has instilled a culture of professionalism, courteousness, and constant building to our workforce. His resolve, deep sense of purpose, and determination to succeed has made Pyramid Security Group one of the fastest-growing security firms in New York State.
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